The Alberta Association of Complementary Equine Therapy (AACET)



Established in 2013, AACET is a registered Nonprofit, Professional Association of Complementary Equine Therapy providers working within Alberta. We have organized to promote unity throughout the industry and to increase both credibility and responsibility by creating a governing body for Therapists working in this field. Our focus is to Standardize these practices and the quality of care that is provided by Practitioners, regardless of their discipline.

We have long realized it is detrimental to our industry and to all those that benefit from it, for things to continue as they have. We believe modality specific Standards and Guidelines, insurance for Practitioners and a place for owners to express concerns and resolve complaints are required. Our Association is working diligently to provide these requirements, in an effort to protect the horses, their owners and the future of Complementary Equine Therapy in Alberta.

Too many of us have been apathetic for far too long and the time for change is now. It is our hope that Alberta’s Therapists realize the importance of this Association and are moved to join us and to contribute to AACET’s advancement. Many provinces and states have lost their right to choose these services for their equine partners as well as the right for Complementary Equine Therapists to provide them. Proposed regulations have shown that Alberta is also moving in this direction. By working to alleviate concerns and opposition through responsible action, we will bring a greater sense of integrity and validity to this field, which ultimately, will aid us in our efforts to secure our rights as professionals, to self regulate and to continue to provide our Therapy services.

It is our duty, as Practitioners, to ensure these goals become realities by demanding more from ourselves and our colleagues. We hope you will join us….